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Watch the move”Theatre:A Love Story”[blog132]

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I finally saw the movie “Theatre” which has been on my mind for a long time.

The reason is because I want to see Naoki Matayoshi’s works



Original story : Naoki Matayoshi

director:Isao Yukisada

Genre :love

showing:July 2020(Japan)

Impression (as a romantic movie)

The story is about Nagata (actor:Kento Yamazaki) and Saki (actor:Mayu Matuoka), the heroine of the show.

The movie is “full of excitement, full of dreams, what will happen next? It is a work that is different from other movies that are full of excitement and full of dreams.

The smallest flicker of the heart and dazed feelings are painfully captured by the actors’ acting skills

Those who are watching will be swept away by Nagata’s selfishness, even though they are inclined to support him.

Impressions (Main character: Nagata)

To put it simply, the main character Nagata is a “social misfit.

He is not a gregarious person, he does what he wants, and he is selfish.

However, when I heard the monologue, I felt like I could understand it, and I felt like I couldn’t hate it.

It doesn’t add up, but it makes me feel like, “Well, that’s true”.

Probably a very different opinion depending on whether the viewer is a man or a woman

Impression (Heroine: Saki)

Saki fascinated by Nagata

She is a woman with sensitivity, unfathomable kindness, and strength to accept anything, and a heart that will pop and break like glass if she crosses the line.

Saki has a unique sensibility and has high expectations for Nagata’s talent and continues to be by his side.

Of course Saki loves Nagata, and she wants Nagata to receive her feelings.

Impression (Friend: Nohara)

Nohara (actor: Kanichiro) is one of the few friends who understands Nagata.

(Personally, I consider him a good friend, not a friend.)

He is also the person who inspired Nagata to start the theater company with him.

As we are friends with a man and a man’s friend, we don’t say anything extra (you don’t have to say anything).

Only when I really have to speak it, I speak it in my own words.

Nohara understands Nagata’s selfishness and will not abandon him even if he does not get the answers he expects.

But I know you’re probably thinking, “Nagata is a helpless guy”.

Impressions (Theatre Company Member: Aoyama)

Aoyama (actor: Ito Sairi) is a woman who says what needs to be said for the sake of others.

I want Nagata to think seriously about Saki, so I try to help Nagata with various approaches.

Nagata responds to this assistance with unimaginable sensitivity.

I look at Nagata and I say, “How can you answer me like this? Tell me about your life! I don’t understand”

Nagata is the one who makes me feel that way.

But for some reason, Nagata has a mysterious quality that attracts people to him even when he shows such selfishness.

Impressions (daily life)

Their life together is very natural, and there is no staging for the sake of staging or acting for the sake of acting, and the simplicity of the atmosphere and the smell of life can be felt.

s this really acting? and the realism is such that many people will be so swept up in the film that they won’t even notice it

I was completely taken in the first time too, so much so that I was finally able to look at it objectively after reviewing it several times for my impressions.

At the end

I thought it was a film that could be appreciated as a movie, but not by its creators.

This is not because the filmmakers are not good at what they do, but because the viewer is swallowed up by the film “Theatre” and the filmmakers are drowned out.

The habits and marks of the director, the scriptwriter, or the original author seem to be absent throughout the film, leaving the viewer with a film that is free from distractions.

As a result, the film is appreciated, but the creators go unappreciated.

I’m sure it will be appreciated by film professionals and experts, but I don’t think it will be appreciated by the general public for a long time to come.

It seems like a sad thing to say, but I think it’s the best assessment I can make.

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