What is a relay attack?
x Mistake: It is to attack the Titan using 3D maneuver gear!(attack on titan)
Just kidding.

o correct: A relay attack is one of the electronic techniques used by bad guys to unlock cars.
Normally, car keys are designed to open only with a smart key near you.
However, with Relay Attack, the bad guys can work with their friends who are with them to relay the smart key signal to other locations.
Then the bad guys at a distance can open the car without using the car keys.
That is, to commit car theft.
Relay Attack Countermeasures
To prevent relay attacks, block the signal from the smart key
1) Store in metal cans.

I recommend this method when you are at home
Be sure to test the inoperability of the car key with the smart key in the can.
2) Power saving function is recommended when you go out.
You can go with a can or a radio frequency blocking pouch, but I don’t feel like it would be “cool”, so I would recommend the power saving feature!
Power Saving Features
Power saving function is a feature that is there to protect the smart key and vehicle battery.
This will have two benefits: saving electricity and preventing car theft!
How to use the power-saving function (start)
It’s easy to use
The site manager is a Subaru user, so I will explain with a Subaru smart key.

1. while pressing the red circle button on the smart key, press the blue circle button twice
2. When the smart key indicator (glowing red) turns on four times, the power saving function is activated.
Now it won’t open when you pull the door handle.
When the power-saving function starts, be sure to pull the door handle to confirm.
If it opens, it is an operation error, so try again.
How to use power-saving functions (Exit)

To restore press the blue circle button.
This alone stops the power-saving function.
Prevent relay attacks and you’ll be safe and secure on your travels.
Have a nice trip.

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