box of wisdom

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box of wisdom

2025 New Year’s card free material (free) [blog160]

Free New Year's greeting card materials.We were able to crea...
box of wisdom

Amazon and Sakura Checker Ver1.5 [blog156]

The “sakura” in this blog means “decoy”.It means disinformat...
box of wisdom


This blog is a continuation of the previous blog entry, "New...
box of wisdom

Automobile tax and Rakuten Pay[blog138]

This Golden Week, I personally had an "eye checkup" & "new g...
box of wisdom

Google play app for emergency[blog126]

When I think of emergencies, words such as "being prepared i...
box of wisdom

Charge car batteries[blog118]

We charge car batteries as a personal event before opening t...
box of wisdom

2024 New Year’s card free material (free) [blog114]

Free New Year's greeting card materials.This year we were ab...
box of wisdom

Logistics 2024 Problems and Proposed Solutions[blog105]

What is the 2024 problem in logistics?(Japan)The 960-hour ov...
box of wisdom

Rakuten Market and Sakura Checker[blog81]

What is a sacra checar?When I purchase a product on the Raku...
box of wisdom

Amazon and Sakura Checker Ver1.5 [blog79]

The “sakura” in this blog means “decoy”.It means disinformat...