The sun is shining today and there is a pleasant breeze.
Let’s sing while flicking our tails… ♪
Oh? The river’s got a funny vibe to it, doesn’t it?
My ghost! A little voice is urging me on….
No, my wild intuition whispers ・・・
Gah! I finally witnessed it myself!
That’s Nessi!
Only people born in the 20th century can understand this!
Bwah~, he got away again!
Osmeriformes and Oncorhynchus masou swim fast!
It’s so hard to dive and catch them!
Oh, it was a river cormorant. I’m surprised!
When you get out of the water.
I want you to be as quiet as you were when you launched the Apollo spacecraft.
Sorry, grey wagtail!
I am not able to catch insects in flight like you.
Forgive me.
I’ll look elsewhere, so good bye~!
Restless, river cormorant.
Well, eating is important for survival, so it can’t be helped.
Grey wagtail
Great cormorant
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