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Watch the anime”Parasyte the maxim”[blog150]

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I was browsing “YouTube” and the anime “Parasite” (official) appeared as a recommendation.

I was thinking, “This is nostalgic,” and I watched the whole thing as if I were chasing after it.

So, this is a blog about the anime “Parasite“!

Official Site


Original story : Hitoshi Iwasaki

director : Kenichi Shimizu

Genre : Social, Action, Suspense

Broadcast : October 2014(Japan)

Encounter with Parasite (original)

When I was still a student, my classmates used to read the original manga “Parasite” together (we were all poor when we were students).

I remember myself being recommended by a classmate.

However, I was a bigot at the time and would not accept anything other than what I was interested in.

Moreover, I couldn’t accept the touch of the cover picture of the book by any means physiologically.

I think it’s the same in both anime and manga, but there are times when you just can’t accept a picture, right?

I don’t know why that one…

Encounter with Parasites (Animation)

It’s when my work hours are irregular.

It was a time when I was somewhat jet-lagged because my work hours varied from week to week.

When I was eating, I sometimes fell asleep with chopsticks in my hand, and when I woke up, the anime “Parasite” was on the air.

When I first saw it, I didn’t realize it was a parasite, and when I saw the scene where the main character and Miggy are talking, I remember thinking, “What the hell? I remember thinking, “What the hell is this?

From there, my curiosity got the better of me and I decided to keep looking.

It seems that 10 years have already passed since then (how time flies!).

The story is about the main character (Shinichi Izumi), a high school student, and the parasitic creature Miggy.

The parasite is firstly placed in the main character’s human body, and some people may find it hard to accept at this stage, but I think you will get used to it after watching about 3 episodes.

By the end of the three episodes, you will be fascinated by the world of animation, and the rest is your choice.

Impressions (presence of women)

In the beginning, the story is drawn from events close to the protagonist’s.

Family, friends, school life, etc.

Especially in this animation, the women involved with the main character are significant.

A mother’s compassion, a lover’s intuition, and maternal love are all portrayed in a natural way.

The anime is depicted in a way that is almost identical to our real life, so the viewer will be able to watch it without feeling it.

But when you look back on the whole thing in hindsight, you will notice that it was painted intentionally.

Unfortunately, I still don’t know what the implications of that are, as I am still inexperienced in life.

Impressions (Strength as an organism)

The “law of the jungle” is one way to describe the natural world.

There is always a hint of hostility there.

But in our modern society, thanks to the power of law and science, we are unlikely to ever feel hostility.

If an unknown hostile creature were suddenly hiding in human society, would we, who are accustomed to peace, be able to instantly recognize it and avert danger?

It is an important power that should have been a natural part of our ability to survive.

The parasite focuses here as well.

The main character, who has such a kind heart that he can’t even kill an insect, grows stronger as the story progresses.

The story continues to ask the viewer whether the power was latent in the protagonist or whether it was generated by his interaction with a parasitic creature.

It is painful to see the gentle protagonist’s life style accelerate and become stronger and more distant.

And the music in the play is a quiet expression of the main character’s state of mind.

The music has a unique rhythm that is monotonous and repetitive, but it seems to be a cornerstone that supports the world of the parasite.

Impressions (Human Society)

Perhaps the greatest theme depicted in the story is human society.

It seems to me that the whole earth is covered by a human-centered society, so we need to rethink how we should live with nature.

The only scene in which that question is also directly depicted is a single conversation between only one of the characters.

expresses himself straightforwardly, but I think there are very few people who can read the depth of the words uttered from the entire parasite work.

I only realized the meaning of that in other people’s comments.

This parasite has such a high level of perfection and depth as an animation.

At the end.

The beauty of this anime “Parasite” is that it is well structured from the beginning to the end.

No needless stretching of the length of the anime, and no directing to flatter the viewers.

And yet, when you finish watching all the episodes, it stays with you.

It is an animated work that eventually fades from memory, but has elements that make you want to watch it again, just like me.

It is a unique work, so why don’t you have a look at it?

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